“Uncovering the Power of PNEI for Individuals with Autoimmune Disorders”

In this blog, I’ll be discussing with Magic how PNEI can support individuals with autoimmune disorders to lead healthier lives. We’ll look at Magic’s own journey, the root cause analysis and the different techniques used to make a positive health change. Join us as we uncover the power of PNEI!

Magic Barclay is a multi-faceted master practitioner, expert in PNEI (psycho neuro endo immune) of trauma, advanced immune practitioner, and functional health solutions, and more.

For the past ten years, she has bravely navigated life as a single mother of two while surviving cancer, Lyme disease, stroke, diabetes, heart attack and Hypoxia.

Magic is passionate about helping others through her podcast and holistic natural health business.

Her mission is to empower people to find the answers to life, health, wealth, and weight loss.

Why is it important to support individuals with autoimmune disorders through PNEI?

Parents, it is important to support individuals with autoimmune disorders through PNEI because it provides a comprehensive approach to managing the disorder. PNEI stands for psych neuroendocrine immunology, and it combines psychological therapies, lifestyle modifications, and medical treatments to help individuals manage their autoimmune disorder. By providing individuals with the tools, they need to manage their condition, PNEI can help improve quality of life and help individuals achieve better physical and mental health.

Single parents and those suffering from autoimmune disorders, PNEI is especially important because it can help them manage the physical and mental symptoms of their disorder. PNEI provides a holistic approach to managing autoimmune disorders, which can help alleviate symptoms and reduce stress. With the right support and resources, those suffering from autoimmune disorders can learn to manage their condition more effectively and find more ways to stay healthy and active. PNEI can help individuals suffering from autoimmune disorders achieve the best quality of life possible.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Listen to your body and be aware of what it is telling you.

2. Pay attention to your dietary cravings and try to determine what they are telling you.

3. Speak to your doctor or practitioner about any symptoms you may be experiencing and consider trying holistic health solutions.

1. Listen to your body and be aware of what it is telling you.

Listening to your body and being aware of the signals it is sending you is the first step in understanding your health and wellbeing. It is important to take the time to learn to recognize the signs your body is giving you, so you can address any issues quickly and effectively.

Start by taking a few moments each day to focus on how you are feeling physically and emotionally.

  • Pay attention to any aches, pains, or other sensations in your body.
  • Are you feeling any tension or tightness?
  • Do you have any difficulty breathing?
  • Are you experiencing any digestive issues?
  • Are you feeling any stress or anxiety?

Once you have identified any potential issues, it is important to take the time to reflect on what may be causing them.

  • Is there anything in your life that is causing you stress, such as a difficult relationship or job?
  • Are you eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep?
  • Are you engaging in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul?

Taking the time to listen to your body and be aware of what it is telling you can help you get to the root of any issues and make changes to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Remember that your body is constantly changing and evolving. As you age, your body’s needs and requirements may change as well. It is important to stay in tune with your body’s needs and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. Pay attention to any new sensations or changes in your body and take the time to assess what might be causing them. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating a balanced diet? Are you engaging in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul? Are you getting regular medical check-ups? Taking the time to listen to your body and be aware of any changes can help you stay on top of your health and wellbeing.

Be kind to yourself. Give yourself permission to rest, relax, and take care of yourself. Self-care is essential to maintaining a healthy body and mind, and it is important to take the time to prioritize yourself. Listen to your body and be aware of what it is telling you and take the time to take care of yourself.

2. Pay attention to your dietary cravings and try to determine what they are telling you.

When it comes to understanding our dietary cravings, it is important to take the time to slow down and pay attention to what they are telling us. These cravings can be an indication of something else going on within our bodies, such as an imbalance in hormones or neurotransmitters, a pathogen, or even a form of trauma. It is important to recognize that our bodies are trying to tell us something and we need to take the time to listen.

One way to start determining what our cravings are telling us is to first look at any patterns that may be occurring. Are we consistently craving particular foods or beverages? Is it in a particular situation? Are we in a particular emotional state? Taking the time to observe and recognize these patterns can help us to better understand what our bodies are telling us. Additionally, it is important to have conversations with a healthcare practitioner who can help guide us towards understanding what our cravings are telling us. They can provide insight into what dietary and lifestyle changes may be needed in order to create balance in our bodies and help us to better understand our cravings.

It is also important to look at the quality of the food we are craving. Are we craving processed or refined foods? Are we craving natural, whole foods? This can help us to further understand what our bodies are needing. For example, if we are consistently craving processed, sugary foods, it could be an indication of our bodies needing energy or a certain nutrient that it is not getting enough of. Whereas, if we are consistently craving natural, whole foods, it could be an indication of our bodies needing certain vitamins and minerals that it is not getting enough of.

Take the time to listen to our bodies and to honor our cravings. Too often, we are quick to judge or criticize our cravings, but it is important to remember that our bodies are always trying to tell us something. By taking the time to observe, understand, and honor our cravings, we can gain insight into what our bodies are trying to tell us and create balance within our bodies.

3. Speak to your doctor or practitioner about any symptoms you may be experiencing and consider trying holistic health solutions.

The third step in talking to your doctor or practitioner about any symptoms you may be experiencing and considering holistic health solutions is to provide as much detail as possible. This includes your medical history, the physical symptoms that you are experiencing, and any other information that you feel is relevant to the conversation. Additionally, it’s important to be honest and open with your doctor or practitioner so that they can accurately assess the situation and provide the best treatment plan.

Provide information regarding any mental health issues you may have or have had in the past. Mental health can have a huge impact on physical symptoms and can be a key contributor to many health issues. It is also important to provide any information regarding any significant events or traumas that have impacted you, as this can have an effect on the way your body functions.

Finally, it is important to provide your doctor or practitioner with information about the dietary changes you have made, any supplements or medications you have taken, and any other lifestyle changes you have made. This will help them to assess which treatments are the most beneficial for you and which may be causing more harm. By providing your doctor or practitioner with as much information as possible, they can get a more comprehensive understanding of your situation and provide the best treatment plan for you.

Be open to all health solutions that are presented to you. Even if you do not think a certain treatment will be beneficial, it is important to remember that your healthcare provider is an expert and has your best interests at heart. By taking the time to understand the treatments that are being suggested and considering why they may be a good option for you, you can make an informed decision about your health.

When considering holistic health solutions take time to work. Many holistic health approaches are more preventative in nature and may require a longer period of time to show results. It is also important to remember that certain treatments may not be beneficial for everyone, so it is important to keep an open mind and be willing to try new approaches and treatments. With the right combination of treatments and lifestyle changes, you can find the health solutions that work best for you.

In this blog post, we discussed with Magic Barclay the power of PNEI for individuals with autoimmune disorders and how it can be used to help manage the disorder. By paying attention to bodily signals, understanding dietary cravings, and talking to a doctor or practitioner about symptoms, individuals can take the steps necessary to improve their health and wellbeing. With the right support and resources, those suffering from autoimmune disorders can learn to manage their condition more effectively and find more ways to stay healthy and active. Take the initiative and use PNEI as your tool to achieve a better quality of life. You have the power to take control and make a positive health change. You can find Magic here www.magicbarclay.com and wholisticnaturalhealth.com.au

I’d love to hear how you apply to get holistic health and wellbeing.

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By It's Going to Be Okay!

Welcome to a safe place and hold onto your hat as we go on a new journey together. I've experienced major changes in our family and frankly have been devastating to me. I've been feeling sorry for myself and am done with it. I hope to shine a light on others who have struggled too, maybe, just maybe, we'll get through these trials together and come out smiling! Much loves, Nicky ❤ motherhoodunfilteredgroup@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/motherhoodunfiltereditsgoingtobeokay/ https://anchor.fm/nicky-asher-bowling

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