Dom Brightmon: Unlocking the Power of Communication

Are you looking to develop your communication skills, financial literacy, and networking skills? Dom Brightmon, bestselling author, and certified trainer with the Maxwell Leadership Team, is here to help! At 23, Dom wrote his first book, and now he is the host of a popular podcast which features authors from around the world. In this article, Dom will reveal the three skills he believes that millennials should develop and master in order to succeed. As Dom found out, writing leads to wealth, so don’t miss out on the valuable advice he has to offer.

Join us in learning how Dom Brightmon became a published author at the age of 23 and get ready to be inspired! Dom Brightmon is an inspiring leader, certified trainer, and best-selling author. His podcast, Going North, is committed to featuring authors from around the world and offers a free eBook, 21 Lessons Learned from Podcasting, to listeners. Dom is an ambitious young man, having written his first book at the age of 23. He is passionate about helping millennials develop and master communication, financial literacy, and networking skills. With over 734 interviews under his belt, Dom is making a name for himself as a leader in the podcasting space.

Here are the steps you need to follow to also get confidence, literacy,

1. Develop communication skills.

Developing communication skills is an important part of becoming a
successful leader. It involves being able to effectively express yourself
and listen to others in order to build relationships and collaborate.
Communication skills include public speaking, written
communication, and networking. Public speaking involves being able
to deliver a message confidently and competently in front of a group of
people. Written communication involves being able to write well and
concisely in order to effectively convey a message, as well as being
able to read and understand what others are saying. Networking is
about building relationships with people who can help you in the
future. It’s important to reach out and make connections so that you
can learn from others and create opportunities. All of these
communication skills are essential for success and should be
developed and honed over time.

2. Develop Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is an essential skill for everyone, especially
millennials, as it is important for them to be able to manage their
money and understand the financial world around them. To develop
financial literacy, the first step is to become familiar with the basics of
money management. This includes understanding how to budget, how
to save and how to invest. It is also important to understand the
different types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual
funds, and how to use them effectively. Additionally, it is important to
learn about debt management, credit cards, and other financial
products and services.
The second step in developing financial literacy is to understand the
basics of taxation. This includes understanding the different types of
taxes, such as income taxes and sales taxes, and how they are applied.
Additionally, it is important to understand how to file taxes, the tax
deductions and credits that are available, and how to maximize your
tax return. It is also important to understand how to invest in
retirement plans, such as 401(k)s and Roth IRAs, and how to save for
The last step in developing financial literacy is to understand how to
make wise financial decisions. This includes understanding how to
compare and shop for the best financial products and services, such as
mortgages, car loans, and credit cards, and how to evaluate the risks
and rewards of different investments. Additionally, it is important to
understand the importance of having an emergency fund and how to

3. Improve networking skills.

Networking is an incredibly important skill to have, especially when it
comes to launching a career. It’s important to note that networking
isn’t just about meeting and connecting with people in person – it also
encompasses online networking, such as building a presence on social
media and joining online networks and forums. To improve your
networking skills, it’s important to be intentional about reaching out
to new people, connecting with them, and building relationships over
time. This could be as simple as attending networking events, offering
to help out, or even just introducing yourself on social media. It’s also
important to be mindful of the way you present yourself, both online
and in person. Be sure to focus on the value you can bring to the table,
practice your elevator pitch, and focus on building genuine
connections. Finally, it’s important to follow up with your connections
and stay in touch, as this will ensure that you’re top of mind when
opportunities arise. Overall, networking is key to building a successful
career, and with some practice and dedication, you can master the art
of networking and reap the rewards.

4. Practice public speaking.

Practicing public speaking is an essential step in building your
confidence in presenting information. It also helps you become more
comfortable talking in front of an audience. To practice public
speaking, start by finding an audience that you can practice with, such
as family and friends. Alternatively, you can join a public speaking
group or club. After you have an audience, write out your speech and
rehearse it several times until you are comfortable with it. When
you’re practicing, make sure to note any areas that need improvement,
such as areas where you stumble or need more practice. Record your
practice sessions and watch them back to get a better understanding
of how you’re coming across. Once you’re happy with your speech,
practice it in front of an audience. Ask for feedback and use it to
improve your presentation. Lastly, keep practicing and don’t be afraid
to make mistakes. With practice, you’ll become a confident public
speaker in no time!

5. Improve written communication.

Improving written communication is an important step in the
transcript. The first thing to consider is the clarity of the message. It’s
important to make sure your writing is clear, concise, and that the
intended message is coming across. The second point to consider is
the tone of the writing. It should be friendly and inviting, and not
overly formal. Finally, it’s important to make sure there is no
confusing language or jargon that could be misinterpreted by the
To make sure written communication is clear and effective, it’s
important to use active verbs. Active verbs make it easier to
understand the message and make it more engaging. Additionally, it’s
important to use simple language and avoid industry jargon. To make
sure the reader understands the message, it’s important to break up
the writing into shorter sentences and paragraphs and to limit the use
of complex words or phrases. Finally, it’s important to proofread and
edit the writing to ensure there are no typos, grammar mistakes, or
sentence structure issues.

6. Write a book.

Writing a book is a daunting task, but it can be extremely rewarding.
The first step is to come up with an idea. This can be a memoir, a
fiction novel, a non-fiction book, or any other type of book. It is
important to decide what type of book you are wanting to write and
research potential topics. Once you have an idea, it is time to outline
the book. This includes creating an outline of the main ideas and
points you want to cover in the book and breaking down the chapters.
After that, the next step is to start writing. This can take anywhere
from a few days to a few months depending on the length of the book.
It is important to set aside a specific amount of time each day to write
and to be consistent. Once the book is written, it is time to edit and
revise the book. It is important to read the book multiple times and to
have other people read it as well to make sure it is as perfect as
possible. Finally, once the book is complete, it is time to find a
publisher or self-publish the book. This can be a lengthy process, but it
will be worth it in the end.

7. Build relationships with people who have great networks.

Building relationships with people who have great networks is an
important step to growing your business and your network. Having
relationships with people who have great networks can open up
opportunities for networking with new people, finding mentors, and
learning new skills.
Start by identifying people who have great networks. These people are
usually influential in their respective industries, are connected to
many people, and have a good reputation. Once you have identified
your targets, reach out to them and try to connect. Offer to buy them
coffee, arrange a meeting, or even just send them a quick email. When
you meet with them, make sure you listen and take the time to get to
know them. Ask them about their experiences and successes, and
about their networks. As you build a relationship with them, you can
start to ask for introductions and advice.

By building relationships with people who have great networks, you
will open up a world of opportunities for yourself. It will also help you
build your own network, meet mentors, and gain exposure. All of these
benefits are invaluable to business owners and entrepreneurs.

About Author

It's Going to Be Okay!

Welcome to a safe place and hold onto your hat as we go on a new journey together. I've experienced major changes in our family and frankly have been devastating to me. I've been feeling sorry for myself and am done with it. I hope to shine a light on others who have struggled too, maybe, just maybe, we'll get through these trials together and come out smiling!
Much loves,
Nicky ❤

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